Search & Co. Welcomes Daniel Huber as New Managing Director

Daniel Huber as New Managing Director

In an evolving digital landscape, Search & Co. once again positions itself at the forefront of industry innovation by welcoming Daniel Huber as its new Managing Director. Daniel brings a remarkable range of HR expertise and leadership skills that make him the ideal partner to guide our company’s continued development.

Known for his expertise in recruiting and talent development, Daniel Huber steps into his new role with the vision of driving Search & Co. forward through innovative people strategies and a culture of continuous improvement. His extensive knowledge and experience in both strategic and operational HR management will enable him to lead Search & Co. into new avenues of success.

Markus Dobbelfeld Takes Co-CEO Role at ifolor

The third-generation family-run company ifolor, a market leader in personalized photo products in Switzerland and Finland, as well as internationally successful, is adopting a Co-CEO leadership structure. Markus Dobbelfeld, an experienced C-level marketing professional with a proven track record in digital business model innovation, will join Hannes Schwarz as Co-CEO. This dynamic dual leadership aims to strengthen ifolor’s competitive position by pooling resources for the implementation of strategic growth initiatives.

Frederik Thomas Supports ifolor as Interim CTO

Frederik Thomas, Managing Partner of the Search & Co. Group, will support ifolor in the role of interim CTO. In this position, Frederik will leverage his extensive experience in digital transformation to drive the company’s technological advancement and support its ongoing development.

Search & Co. Remains a Trusted Partner for Digital Talent

Despite the new leadership roles of Markus Dobbelfeld and Frederik Thomas, Search & Co. remains fully committed to supporting its clients with the same capacity and expertise as a leading partner in recruiting and developing digital leaders. Our expertise in identifying, empowering, and training talent to meet the demands of digital transformation remains as strong as ever. We are proud to continue helping our clients succeed by providing tailored solutions to foster the digital leaders of tomorrow.