Coffee Art at Search & Co.: Your Moment of Coffee Delight with Us in Zürich-Höngg

A new experience of coffee culture: Search & Co's path to becoming a master barista

At Search & Co., we take our coffee breaks seriously – so seriously that we decided to elevate our passion for coffee to the next level. What better way to do this than attending a professional barista course?

With this plan in mind and an insatiable thirst for more than just office coffee, we set out for the famous Turm Kaffee Roastery in Schlieren, a place steeped in over 260 years of coffee tradition.

From beans to barista: our learning journey in the art of coffee

The course began with a captivating introduction to the world of coffee, starting from the origins of the coffee beans to various roasting techniques. Guided by the experienced barista Lajos Horvath, a true coffee guru, we delved into the crux of coffee-making: the art of perfect milk foam. Our attempts at latte art were more akin to abstract shapes than hearts - but as well all know, art is subjective!

We were thoroughly impressed by the course at the Barista Academy Zurich – and it wasn't just the caffeine talking! 

So, if you are craving a delicious coffee made by us, the CBOs (Chief Barista Officers), schedule an appintment and come visit us in Zürich-Höngg! You will receive your own Search & Co.ffee mug to enjoy!